Why use Symalean to manage action plans?
THEcontinuous improvement is one of the main principles of quality management and therefore an essential foundation for everything management system.
It allows organizations to increase their performance by reducing, for example, non-quality costs, by avoiding risks, by improving the working conditions.
Les action plans are the tool at the service of this continuous improvement approach.
However, the management of action plans is, in a large number of organizations, far from efficient. Far too often, there are a multitude of action plans specific to each department, to each committee, to each area (environment, quality, safety, etc.).
It then becomes laborious to have an overall vision improvement actions committed within the same organization, it is difficult to create synergy between the various actors. Moreover, it is sometimes very complicated to monitor the progress of these shares and to contact those responsible at the right time or to verify their effectiveness within the identified deadlines.
Symalean offers you a simple and free tool for effectively manage your action plans And so boost continuous improvement within your organization.

So what are the benefits of using Symalean?
Visualize the whole set in the same register Shares issued within the group, division or site, regardless of the field or process. You are free to filter or sort the data according to your needs.
Master The status of progress of the actions : to be assigned, to be treated, in progress with the percentage of completion, achieved, closed — effective or closed ineffective.
Don't stay on a failure and keep going continuous improvement by creating new actions since an action that did not achieve the intended objective.
Alert each actor at the right time with notifications sent according to the status ofProgress of actions.
Initiate actions since your non-conformities, your objectives, your indicators, your audits, your SSE visits, your Single Occupational Risk Assessment Document, your environmental analysis and keep in touch with The origin of the action.