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Symalean raises €5 million in Series A funding
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QHSE and CSR software that accelerate your performance

Facilitate the management of your QHSE, CSR, energy and information security management systems in a single application.

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Improving the safety of your employees
homme chantier surpris
Analyze the impact on the environment
femme qui boit un café avec une idée en tête
Centralize all your documents
Register all your equipment
Manage your employees effectively
Manage your quality projects
homme manager surpris

Our main features

Simplify the declaration of your non-conformities thanks to an innovative solution
Discover the feature
interface utilisateur non conformité en anglais
Proceed with your SSE visits in real time thanks to a digital solution
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interface utilisateur visites sécurité en anglais
Efficiently back up your reports and audits in an intelligent solution
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interface utilisateur audit en anglais
Realize your statements live in the field with or without connection
Discover the feature
interface utilisateur évènement sse en anglais

Our main features

interface utilisateur non conformité en anglais
interface utilisateur visites sécurité en anglais
interface utilisateur audit en anglais
interface utilisateur évènement sse en anglais

More than a QHSE software, a management system management tool

Pilotage QHSE

Manage your QHSE effectively

Vers la page QHSE
icone securite

Ensuring the safety of your employees

Vers la page sécurité
icone environnement

Follow your environmental challenges

Vers la page environnement
icone ressources humaines
Human resources

Simplifying skills and training management

Vers la page ressources humaines
icone ressources materielles
Material resources

Effectively treat your material resources

Vers la page ressrouces matérielles
icone gestion electronique document

Automate document management

Vers la page GED
icone fournisseur

Evaluate the impact of your suppliers

Vers la page fournisseurs
icone veille reglementaire
Regulatory monitoring

Comply with standards and regulations

Vers la page reglementaire
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Why Symalean?

The business solution that guarantees you optimal management of management systems, adopting it is
icone base de données cloud
Accelerate your digital transformation with modular SaaS and on-premise solutions.
icone justice
Guarantee your compliance with multi-standard legal and normative requirements
icone application mobile bleue
Get employee support through the online and offline mobile app
icone intelligence artificielle
Use a proactive AI solution to effectively manage your systems.

Our customers talk about it best

Discover how our customers optimize their management, safety, environmental and other processes...
All customers
interface page d'accueil application mobile en anglais

Discover our associated services

Symalean is more than just an application but a global operational service, so enter the Symalean universe and enjoy the digital QHSE experience.

Icone application mobileApplication mobile Dyo

The Dyo mobile app

Retrieve information from the field in real time


Quickly find your information
Icone chariot


Find all software interconnections
Icon Symacademy


Train yourself effectively when you want

A group committed to its ecosystem

CSR commitments

True DNA of the company, Symalean has integrated CSR into the heart of its operational strategy with the main objective of balance and harmony between social, societal and environmental approaches.

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ISO certifications

Symalean is a committed player in the areas of quality, safety and the environment, social responsibility and data security. The group structures its activities based on international norms and standards to build its Integrated Management System (IMS).

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Our international presence

A major player in QHSE digitalization, Symalean supports its customers around the world to meet the challenges of digital transformation. Our presence in Europe, Africa and America guarantees our customers unlimited support.

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Engagements en matière de RSE

Véritable ADN de l'entreprise, Symalean a intégré la RSE au cœur de sa stratégie opérationnelle avec pour objectif principal l'équilibre et l'harmonie entre les approches sociales, sociétales et environnementales.

En savoir plus

Certifications ISO

Symalean est un acteur engagé dans les domaines de la qualité, de la sécurité et de l'environnement, de la responsabilité sociale et de la sécurité des données. Le groupe structure ses activités en s'appuyant sur les normes et standards internationaux pour construire son Système de Management Intégré (SMI).

En savoir plus

Notre présence internationale

Acteur majeur de la digitalisation QHSE, Symalean accompagne ses clients à travers le monde pour relever les défis de la transformation digitale. Notre présence en Europe, en Afrique et en Amérique garantit à nos clients un accompagnement sans limite.

En savoir plus

Make an appointment with one of our experts now.

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