Ensure the performance and monitoring of your system
What does the ISO 9001 Version 2015 standard say for a system to be efficient and sustainable.
Strategic objectives
Chapter 5.1.1 b: Management should demonstrate its leadership and commitment to the QMS by ensuring that the Quality Policy and Objectives are established and consistent with the strategic direction.
The standard will also require management reviews to verify that these strategic axes still exist and that they are still consistent with the organization.
Operational objectives
Chapter 6.2.1: The organization should define Quality objectives.
These Quality objectives should be consistent with the policy, measurable, monitored, communicated, and updated.
Concretely, the standard requires setting objectives that we would describe as operational to monitor the performance of the system. These operational objectives should correspond to the strategic objectives defined.
Chapter 4.4.1 c: The organization shall determine the performance indicators associated with the QMS necessary to ensure the operation and control of the processes.
In point 6.2.1, the standard requires that strategic objectives be monitored, and performance indicators be linked to operational objectives to enable responses to abuses.
Scheme implementation of Objectives and Indicators within the Management System