Why get certified?
First of all, we want to guarantee the efficiency of our internal functioning, by assuring our internal parties (customers, shareholders, employees,...) that their needs and expectations are taken into account and respected.
We must also keep our customers and access new markets by responding to tenders for which the certifications in question are requested.
In addition, three other points should be taken into account in our certification project :
- Improving our image and being consistent with the software suite we are developing (jobs in QHSE),
- Rationalization of our uses and reduction of our energy consumption to guarantee our ecological transition,
- Development of a culture around prevention and quality of life at work in order to promote the growth of SymaLean Group.
A quick point on certifications
Symalean Group plans to obtain 4 ISO certifications :
- Certification ISO 9001 relating to the quality management system,
- Certification ISO 14001 relating to the environmental management system,
- Certification ISO 45001 relating to health and safety at work,
- Implementation of an approach ISO 26001 relating to corporate social responsibility. (This standard is not certifiable)

Details of our project
This project of ISO certification will be effective across all of our activities and in all the territories where we operate. This should take place during the first quarter of 2021.
The Management of Symalean Group is personally committed to the implementation of this ISO certification process. In particular, it undertakes to provide the necessary resources, to promote the main principles of quality, safety, environment and CSR approaches and to ensure the effectiveness of the SMI. (Integrated Management System)
In addition, each process, each service, each Symalean Group employee is an essential element for the success of our certification process and for the effectiveness of the SMI. Through their knowledge, their know-how and their skills, our employees contribute individually and collectively to a global project, which includes the quality of our services, the quality of life at work, respect for The environment,...