Journal management

How to create and manage your journals on a single tool easily

Management of management reviews and processes within your Quality Management System. Symalean allows you to meet the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard with its functionality: Review

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What does the iso 9001 standard require?

Article 9.3.1: Management reviews — General

Management should review the quality management system established by the organization to ensure that it is still appropriate, appropriate, effective and in line with the organization's strategic direction.

The management review must be planned and carried out taking into account:

icone avancement des actions

the progress of the actions decided after the previous management reviews

icone modification enjeux

changes in external and internal issues relevant to the quality management system

icones informations performance

information on the performance and effectiveness of the quality management system, including trends in:

1. customer satisfaction and feedback from relevant interested parties

3. process performance and product and service compliance

5.monitoring and measurement results

7.the performance of external service providers the adequacy of resources

2. the degree of achievement of quality objectives

4.non-conformities and corrective actions

6.audit results

icone efficacité actions

the effectiveness of the actions implemented in the face of risks and opportunities.

icone amelioration

improvement opportunities.↑ Article 9.3.13: Outputs from the management review↑ The outputs from the management review should include decisions and actions relating to: opportunities for improvement

icone changements

needs for changes to the quality management system.

icone ressources

resource requirements. The organization should keep documented information as evidence of the outputs of management reviews.

How does Symalean respond?

The advantage of a software solution is the automation of the creation of the journal,
the production of the report directly on the software.

icone visualiser le planning revues

Visualize the schedule of reviews

Each time a review is created, the schedule is automatically updated

icone creation modele revues

Create your journal templates

Select process/type/date/administrator/location/site (s)

icone informer

Inform the agenda

The theme/the topic (s) covered/the presenter/the duration

icone creation modele de rapport revues

Create your report template

Select the items you want to analyze in your review

icone planifiation revues

Create and schedule your journals

Select the items you want to analyze in your review

icone realisation revues

Create your review report directly on the software

▸ Comment on your report in real time
▸ Associate actions to this journal

icone validation revues

Finalize your review report

▸ Comment on the report
▸ Import documents
▸ Assign a validation circuit

icone generation pdf revues

Generate the PDFs from the report

▸ Agenda
▸ Outline of the journal

icone envoyer revues

Send from the software

▸ Outline of the journal
▸ Journal report